They should have called it “The Crapfather”

Godfather 1 is Fantastic.

Godfather 2 is very good.

Godfather 3 is… well… terrible.

Like so many other things in life, I want it to be good. But like the Ramones, Friday’s Cheesecake, the three Foundation novels written after Asmiov’s death, and GTK+ on Windows it simply is not as it should be.

It’s just bad. Its like a parody… or a bad cartoon spinoff. This is the worst role I’ve ever seen Al Pacino play. Every third line makes me wish I could bring myself to turn it off.

Ok, I did turn it off.

Trapped in a box of tremendous size; It distorts my vision, it closes my eyes.

Attracts filthy flies and pollutes in the skies; It sucks up our lives and proliferates lies

Trapped in a box.

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