And have a happy new year.

Interesting note left on the door today… here it is, word for word.

Merry Christmas – You’re Being Evicted

Villagio has decided to sell these poroperties and turn them into condo’s – and sell you out in the process. This is not a Joke. Your 30 – 60 day eviction notice will be on your door in days. Several people have talked to the front office, Villagio is telling everyone a different story – they are lying. They care about the money – not you – and will tell you anything to keep you away.

Don’t settle for 60 days notice – that is not enough time to reorganize your lives after they toss you out on such short notice. REMEMBER – since the fire, there are a shortage of apartments in San Diego. Plus, how will you find a moving truck when 300 apartments will have to move on the same weekend. How will you find movers?

You CAN do something.

  • Get the city involved. Call BRIAN MAIENSCHEIN on the city council @ 858.673.5304 and let him know that this isn’t fair.
  • Get an attorney. Join together and let Villagio know that you won’t be treated like a commodity.

I guess we’ll see how legit it is…

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